
A Bitter Taste

We have all been born with the same lusts,
And although it may be a sad fact,
It plagues all of us—Our emotions!
Are predictable and scripted, with the same
Bitter twists—the same thoughtless quirks.
We are all evil, spreading our nefarious
Deeds at different speeds—crushing spirits
To improve our own value—to rekindle
Our flickering souls, the sadness dwelling
Within our hearts. We are all selfish,
Looking to tango with the most attractive
Tail available to us—we our cursed,
Predisposed for narcissistic deaths,
Written in Lucifer’s clutches—Our lives
Will end equally miserable—equally unfulfilled
For there is no man on this earth
Guided purely by good intentions—
We are all living arrogant, self-centered
Delusions, where none of us are
Villains… How misguided.

We can’t all be protagonists.


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