I often get the feeling that I’m not so much living as I am pre-empting chapters to write about later—my life very much feels like a novel (in a genre I would likely write in). Often the lines between fiction and reality intermingle, leaving me unsure of what’s real and what is simply in my mind. Not only do I have a tendency take an event in my life and twist it into a make-believe story, I feel that the opposite may also be true, meaning that after I write a story I contort reality to fit into it. If there are two things in this world I love it’s a good metaphor and irony. I would even say I have a lifelong goal to search for and debunk both in as many situations as possible. Life is defiantly more interesting when treated as a literary analysis.
I’m sure in the coming years I will continue to grow as a person and as a writer and I look forward to experiencing the journey. There is some much left to see, experience and embrace—I can’t even imagine what adventures will follow and that stories that will come about because of them.
--Dann Yetman--
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to contact me at dyetman23@gmail.com.