
The fluidity of life—the days that pass—
May bring me love and hope that something
Good may one day last. I did not set out,
To explore the world through expectant eyes
But it seems all my dreary thoughts have fallen
To the wayside, and I cannot breathe without
Fond memories burning deep within me.
A soft touch, the feeling of your hair through
My fingertips binds the entirety of my being.
Love is dripping, like the faucet in your kitchen,
Or exists as the gentle ticks of your clock.
The curtains lofting upwards from the gentle gust,
Painting the picture of your personality and vigour.
Secrets slice between strange circumstance—
Strangers mingle amongst chance encounters.
I am holding the image of a soft face and wishing,
I could take her with me, or at least understand

The meaning of our happenstance.


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