Damned to Be Dreary

Truly, I wish that I could bestill a belief
Within myself to admit that I am adequate,
And by definition, say that I am okay.
But there is a blueness that cannot be beat,
A battered being that I bought, with the ability
To allot frivolous ambitions—A shadow
That was slyly cast, to burn the footprints
That simply sank into the snow
While winter winds blew upon the hearth—
And I fell… Into the froth of a saddened day.
Each insipid path is a different way
To be damned and dreary, and farther
Follow the past reluctance, the knowing
That, no, I am not as you may quaintly
Say—okay, fine, cheery, a dear, or peachy.
I am spent and sleepy—I am earthed and empty.
I am bound to envision the extremity,
Fastened beneath the lightest touch,
A gloom before serendipity’s reciprocal itch.
There is a plague that is piercing my form,
Corroding my flesh and leaving me
Feeling both incomplete and lost—
It consumes me while awake
And I swim in it while asleep.


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