
It never gets easier to say goodbye,
If anything with each parting my
Heart grows more fond—and
The severance claws at my thoughts
With a strength I dare not describe.
Each time it seems our paths divide again
I am left wanting to call out—
To shout out, to do anything
To keep you from disappearing—
Let it be for just one day,
Or even a second, in either case,
I would miss you just the same.
I’ve grown so weary of lying awake,
Listening to the sound of my own
Ever thumping heartbeat—
It seems sleep never comes,
And I think… That’s alright—
Because while I remain conscious
I’m bombarded with a thousand images,
Of your beautiful, beautiful smile.
Every time we part, I wonder,
How it is possible for me to take
My next breath, knowing that

You will not be near.
To this day, I still don't know,
And I'm sure I never will.


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